The bone-articular structure of a person is characterized by a complex structure and includes various elements. The hip joint is one of the largest and most loaded joints in the human musculoskeletal system. It is located at the junction of the femur and pelvis. The joints have a peculiar structure, which ensures the free movement of the limbs in different directions. It is with this joint that a person's ability to walk upright is associated. With the appearance of painful discomfort in the hip joint, there is a serious decrease in its function with problems in movement or sitting. In some cases, numbness of the limbs is possible.
The main cause of pain
In order to start the treatment of hip joint pathology on time, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination as early as possible to diagnose the disease and the cause of its manifestations. At the same time, diagnosis can be difficult, because pain is provoked by various problems - injuries, skeletal diseases, background pathologies of internal organs. The intensity and nature of the pain also varies. They can be painful and sharp, burning.
To the greatest extent, complaints of pain in the hip joint can be heard from patients over 50 years old. Moreover, such violations are usually found in women. This refers to the pathology of the joint itself or the hip.
Pain can be caused by factors that affect the state of the joint:
- Problems of traumatic origin - fractures affecting the femoral neck, direct bruising in the articular area, severe dislocation of the hip. Myositis ossificans, which has arisen and developed as a result of injury inflicted on the joint, can cause discomfort and pain. Specialists also noted frequent fractures of the pelvis, the development of epiphysiolysis of the femoral head.
- Damage to the connective tissue in the hip joint, caused by the development of Reiter's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis.
- Pathological disorders of articulation, which occur against the background of degenerative processes in tissue areas. For example, we are talking about coxarthrosis.
- Osteochondropathic manifestations caused by the development of osteochondritis dissecans, Legg-Calve-Perthes pathology.
- Abnormalities in the process of skeletal development. For example, this applies to the varus deformity of the epiphysis of the foot, which is typical for adolescent patients.
- Inflammatory changes in soft articular tissue. These pathologies include bursitis, temporary synovitis, multi-articular coxitis due to the action of the tubercle bacillus.
Traumatic causes of pain syndrome

With the appearance of pain in the hip joint, attention should be paid to pathologies of a traumatic nature that can cause it:
- Congenital damage to the hip in the form of a dislocation, which occurs due to improper conduct of the birth process or is formed at the prenatal stage of the child's development. Such violations can be quickly diagnosed in newborns. They will have an inequality in the gluteal folds and may show signs of shortening of one leg. In some cases, a pinched nerve occurs. Experts recommend paying attention to signs of such deviations, because the disease itself is considered dangerous. It often leads to the maintenance of lifelong trauma.
- Traumatic dislocation of the hip - there is a sharp pain, as a result of which the ability to perform movements is lost. The patient cannot take an upright or sitting position. Edema and hematoma form in the area of the damaged joint. If there are signs of hip dislocation, then any physical load is contraindicated. Sports during this period lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition, causing the development of negative changes and pathological disorders in the hip joint. With such an injury, treatment should begin immediately.
- Fracture of the neck of the femur, which is usually characteristic of women over 60 years of age. This condition is caused by a fall or blow directed to the hip joint area. When a fracture occurs, the patient feels a sharp pain syndrome. Such pain will increase during movement. Gradually, the pain gives to the inner part of the thigh. At the site of injury, swelling and hematoma appear. With a fracture, shortening of the limb is observed, a person's gait is characterized by lameness, clicks are heard in the joint area. The damage often causes a pinched nerve, resulting in numbness in the thigh.
- Fracture of the pertrochanteric femur - accompanied by severe or moderate pain. When the patient moves, the pain begins to increase. A possible consequence is a pinched nerve, which causes back pain and numbness in the legs.
- Got a bruise on the hip joint. The pain syndrome is moderate, but active movement can trigger its increase. In this case, the pain decreases and disappears when the person rests. This factor is considered the most common. Bruises are diagnosed in patients who frequently fall, especially in the elderly. The patient complains of lameness, but this symptom disappears quickly.
Injury to the hip joint caused by trauma is considered by experts to be the main cause of pain. With serious fractures and dislocations, in many cases, surgical intervention is prescribed. Indications for immediate hospitalization are pinched nerves and numbness in the limbs.
The influence of systemic pathology on the appearance of pain

The cause of frequent pain in the hip joint when walking or in other positions of the body is the development of systemic lesions of the connective tissue. For such pathology, a continuous process of therapy is required, because it belongs to the group that is almost incurable. It is important to ensure the comprehensive nature of treatment with an impact on the cause of the initiation and development of pain and other symptoms.
Among the systemic pathologies that can trigger pain in the hip joint, include:
- Ankylosing spondylitis, which causes dull pain in the joints. Patients affected by this disease note an increase in negative symptoms at night. Usually the sensation is localized in the sacrum or pelvis. Pain syndrome can give to the knee joint, thigh, groin area. Frequent captures are possible. In this condition, walking and other movements are difficult, the patient shows stiffness. The pain in the thigh area is severe, and the joint is affected by the inflammatory process.
- Reiter's syndrome - accompanied by damage to the articular part, as well as organs of the genitourinary system. There is a parallel inflammatory process in the conjunctiva. This is an autoimmune disease caused by the action of an intestinal infection. The development of the pathological process can begin several weeks and even months after the penetration of the pathogen into the body. The patient complains of acute low back pain. The pain syndrome also affects the joints. This causes an increase in body temperature. There is swelling in the pelvic area on the left and right side. This pathology is usually associated with the symmetrical nature of damage to the joints.
- Arthritis of the rheumatoid type, in which connective tissue damage is observed. The process of disease development does not cause the formation and release of purulent masses. Usually, pathology becomes a sign, indicating the possibility of developing coxarthrosis of the hip joint. The disease develops gradually, although the initial symptoms are swelling and swelling. The patient begins to complain of discomfort during movement, the pain spreads. An inflammatory process occurs in the joints, which leads to an increase in general and local temperature. The further development of changes is accompanied by stiffness of movements, activation of pain syndrome in the side lying position. Pathology in most cases develops symmetrically. Destruction of the hip joint leads to pinched nerves and numbness in the legs. A quick start of the therapeutic process is required.
Systemic pathologies often cause many difficulties for patients. There are pains that vary in intensity and character. They can be sharp, sharp, interesting. It is very difficult to get rid of the discomfort itself, although finding the body in a state of rest does not help. Therefore, targeted treatment is needed, especially when pathology is detected in newborns. Ignoring symptoms can worsen a person's condition.
Pain caused by degenerative disorders

Often, patients note the presence of sharp, burning or pulling pains in the joints, but they do not receive injuries, and they are not diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. In this case, degenerative changes caused by the disease can be the cause:
- Epiphyseal varus deformity, which is most common in adolescents. Dull and pulling pain, can be given to the inner zone of the knee joint. Increased sensation occurs when running or during other sports activities. Shots are observed periodically, clicks are heard in joints.
- Coxarthrosis, which is considered a relatively common hip joint pathology. Violations can be detected in patients regardless of their gender. This disease requires long and complex therapy. It causes the active development of articular disorders that are degenerative and destructive. The main symptomatology is reduced to the feeling that the joints hurt after physical exercise. When resting, this sensation disappears, there are no restrictions on movement. After that, the pain spreads to the groin and thighs. With daily stress, this symptomatology increases, although during rest it disappears. With prolonged walking, lameness begins to appear, clicks are heard in the joints. At the same time, there is a breakdown in the work of the muscle-tendon structure, the tone falls. The last stage of the development of the pathology is characterized by the appearance of pain even at rest, especially at night. Severe pain combined with severe lameness and muscle atrophy. This leads to the disability of the patient. In the final stage, treatment is focused on the inhibition of destructive changes in the joints.
The development of degenerative pathology causes persistent lameness, which leads to disruption of labor functions and decreased performance. Lack of physical activity worsens the patient's condition. Over time, difficulty arises even with the usual getting out of bed.
The influence of inflammation and infection on the incidence of pain
The appearance of discomfort can be associated not only with direct damage to the bone structure of the joint, but also with the inflammatory process in muscles, tendons, and articular bags.
Pathological processes are also caused by infectious diseases:
- Purulent arthritis. The disease is accompanied by an increase in general temperature and redness of the skin in the joint area. There is the appearance of widespread edema with acute or sharp pain. It is difficult, and sometimes impossible to do any load. Over time, the sensation takes the form of a shot. These changes require immediate treatment to prevent the development of sepsis.
- Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, which usually develops in young and middle age in men. This disease is activated due to disruption in blood circulation in the joint area. Necrosis leads to tissue cell death. The pathological process manifests itself in a pain syndrome that appears suddenly that radiates to the groin area, as well as in a burning sensation in the damaged area. The intensity of the pain can be so severe that a person has difficulty supporting the limbs. This leads to trouble getting out of bed. Injections with analgesics are used to anesthetize the joints. Symptoms disappear after a while, but the further development of the disease causes atrophy of muscles and tendons. The person began to limp, his gait changed.
- Tuberculous arthritis. Pathology is a different manifestation in small children with a weak immune system. Progress is very slow. The child has increased fatigue, he is not active in the game. Muscle atrophy is accompanied by clicking in the joints and shortening of the limbs. After some time, pain appears in the joint, which pulls or burns naturally. Articulations are covered by suppuration with increasing symptoms.
- Bursitis is an inflammatory lesion that covers the articular bag of the joint. The main symptom is pain, spreading along the limbs. Sharp pain worsens during movement. During rest, limbs hurt, they burn.
Due to the development of the infectious process, various pains in the hip joint occur. It can be a burning, exciting or boring discomfort. The intensity of sensations can be high, and therefore a person has difficulty with a night's rest. This condition requires immediate treatment.
Pathological diagnosis
Complex diagnostics, which should include:
- ultrasound examination of the state of the hip joint;
- x-ray examination in two projections;
- laboratory study of blood parameters based on general and biochemical analysis, which helps to identify rheumatoid factor, increase in leukocyte count, change in erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
- general examination of the patient with the determination of complaints and palpation of the damaged area;
- MRI diagnostics.
Based on the results of the examination, the correct diagnosis is determined and complex treatment of the pathology causing the pain syndrome is prescribed.
Treatment features
If the pain is rare or fleeting, the symptoms should not be ignored. In this situation, you should see a doctor and start treatment. The therapeutic process is determined by the cause of the pain.

The presence of congenital dislocation
With such pathologies, special orthopedic devices are placed in the area of the baby's joints. It can be stirrups or spacers. In some cases, the use of Frejka pillows is recommended. Thanks to this design, the baby's feet are in the correct physiological position. The child wears this fund for 6 months, sometimes longer.
When conventional therapy fails, surgery may be indicated. Operatively, the femoral head is reduced, and some associated defects are eliminated. After removing the orthopedic device, a light massage procedure is prescribed to strengthen the muscle structure.
Traumatic dislocation
Such damage requires the use of drugs to eliminate muscle tone and reposition. After that, the patient must rest to stabilize the structure. If there is a complaint of numbness, then this will indicate a pinched nerve. In this case, you should consult a neurologist.
Broken hip
The treatment of this injury is carried out by a traumatologist with surgical manipulation. Conservative therapy methods are possible, but often they do not bring the desired effect. If there is no possibility of surgery, a plaster-type bandage is used on the patient from the lumbar sector to the heel.
It is important to remember that the worst effects are experienced by older patients. Fractures in it usually do not grow together, and the recovery period itself lasts several months.
In addition, damage leads to many consequences. Patients show a lack of respiratory organ function, heart and vascular system disorders. This is due to the lack of conditions for an active lifestyle and normal movement. The patient has trouble sitting, resulting in a burning sensation in the soft tissue area due to the fracture.
During the operation, the head and body of the bone are fixed with pins and screws. Endoprosthetic technology is used.
Development of Bechterew syndrome
The treatment of this pathology requires an integrated approach, which makes it possible to reduce the intensity of symptom manifestations, which are caused by inflammatory disorders. During therapy, drugs are taken - anti-inflammatory drugs, hormone-type drugs, immunosuppressants. In addition, physiotherapy is carried out.

A course of physical exercises to stretch the muscles is also prescribed. Massage is useful in this situation - the joint works on the left or right side, depending on the manifestation of the disease.
The therapeutic process is determined by the attending physician based on the nature of the development of the pathology and the patient's condition. Swimming will help strengthen the muscle structure. If the disease has taken a severe form, then a joint replacement procedure is performed.
Reiter's disease
Treatment of this disease without using antibiotics is impossible. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed. In the therapeutic process, the place of glucocorticosteroids, agents that suppress the activity of the immune system, and ointments for topical use must be determined.
The treatment period is not less than 4-5 months. At the same time, the possibility of relapse is high. The course of treatment should be accompanied by measures to maintain muscle tone through physical activity, for example, through stretching.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Due to the development of arthritis, pain can occur not only when the joint moves, but also at rest. It is impossible to completely eliminate such pain. The therapeutic effect is focused on improving the patient's quality of life. For this purpose, prescribe the drug:
- cytostatic;
- hormonal drugs;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- antirheumatic agents.
Surgical intervention is prescribed only when the disease enters the last stage. In this condition, the patient has serious problems with walking and sitting. Surgical manipulation is carried out with the method of fixation or joint arthroplasty. In the recovery process, stretching exercises, external ointments are prescribed.
Therapy of this pathology focuses on eliminating the cause of its manifestation. In the early stages, the disease can be cured through conservative therapy with the appointment of:
- chondroprotector;
- funds that restore blood flow;
- painkillers;
- topical ointment with warming effect.
The treatment complex also includes low-intensity exercise therapy. To anesthetize the joints, if necessary, injections are used.
At the last stage of the development of the pathology, conservative treatment methods are ineffective. In this situation, the deterioration of well-being occurs with minimal stress. To get out of bed, anesthesia with injections is required. The treatment was carried out surgically due to joint arthroplasty. Elderly patients are not prescribed such procedures, but are limited to additional manipulations.
After the operation, the recovery process begins. Stretching is not intense, light exercises with low loads are carried out.
Treatment of inflammatory disorders and infections

The therapeutic process is determined by the nature of the disease and its manifestations:
- With purulent arthritis, anesthesia of the hip joint is performed by introducing analgesics into the articular area. May involve several types of medication at the same time. Antibacterial agents are used in combination with antibiotics. Pustules are also removed. To ensure the fixation of the limb, a plaster is used or a splint is used.
- Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head requires normalization of blood circulation and resorption of the dead zone. NSAIDs are used to relieve pain. The therapy plan includes vitamins, drugs that reduce blood viscosity. Massage and anesthetic ointment will help relieve pain. In parallel, physiotherapy and exercise therapy are prescribed. In severe cases, minimally invasive surgery or arthroplasty is performed.
- Bursitis requires quick pain relief in the joint. At the same time, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, administered intramuscularly, are prescribed. Steroids help relieve symptoms of severe discomfort and pain. The affected joint should be at rest.
- In tuberculous arthritis, conservative treatment methods are used. The baby must not move, and therefore a tight bandage is used. The appearance of an abscess in a soft tissue area will require removal.
Using traditional medicine recipes

These funds can be used in addition to traditional treatment. You should always consult your doctor first. The most popular recipes include:
- Compresses based on blue or white clay. They help relieve swelling and minimize pain. Apply a compress with clay before going to bed and leave it overnight. From above, the damaged area is wrapped with a piece of warm cloth.
- Compressed with cabbage and honey. It is necessary to take one cabbage leaf and cover it with a layer of honey. Then such a compress is applied to the area of the manifestation of pain or acute pain. From above it must be covered with a film, and then covered with a wool scarf or scarf. The duration of the procedure is up to 1 month. Between manipulations, it is recommended to rub and rub the affected area.
- Ointment with visceral fat and white leg roots. Pour 250 g of crushed roots into the pre-melted fat and boil over low heat for 7 minutes. Let the product cool, then apply it to the surface of the joint and leave it overnight. A woolen cloth is applied over the treated area. Thus, swelling and other symptoms can be removed.
- A remedy of 2 lemons, 300 g of celery root, 130 g of garlic will help relieve severe pain in the tendon zone. The components must be finely chopped and poured into a container with a lid. Pour the composition with boiling water and mix, and then wrap the container and leave overnight. Use 1 tsp. before eating for 1-3 months.